The Amazing Selling Machine and Marketplace Superheroes are both online courses that teach you how to build a successful Amazon business from the ground up.  However, there are some important differences between the two, which I'll do my best to explain.

Amazing Selling Machine (ASM), founded by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback, is the best and highest quality Amazon course that Stefan has come across.  It's the course that taught Stefan and Tatiana how to sell physical products on Amazon.  The ASM course focuses on building an online brand, first starting on Amazon, which can later expand to Shopify.  This is a brand that you can sell one day, which is a common path many Amazon sellers take as there's a huge market of people looking to buy eCommerce businesses.

Amazing Selling Machine offers more than an online course.  They provide mentors for their students, have a large community of successful Amazon sellers you can reach out to, and host large events every year called SellerCon for their students.  ASM is also the most up-to-date course on the market, as they're always improving it and making it better for their members.

There's really nothing else out there like Amazing Selling Machine, and as a result, they have the most success stories out of any online course that I've come across.  While it's sold for a premium, it's worth the cost as the results it can produce in your life is massive in comparison to the cost of investment.

Marketplace Superheroes (MPSH), founded by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey, teaches a different approach to sell on Amazon than Amazing Selling Machine.  MPSH isn't focused on helping you build a brand, but rather to help you research a variety of profitable products you can sell on Amazon in a variety of marketplaces.  It's a unique method that works, but not as lucrative long-term as what ASM teaches.

If you had to pick between the two courses, I'd suggest the Amazing Selling Machine first.  It's the best out there and Stefan provides an incredible bonus offer if you decide to join through him, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

If you can't afford to join Amazing Selling Machine due to the cost, then the second-best option for you to get started selling on Amazon would be to join Marketplace Superheroes, which is a lot cheaper.  Stefan also has some bonuses you can get when joining Marketplace Superheroes, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

Marketplace Superheroes will still help you get started selling on Amazon and making money, which is better than not starting at all.  However, I would recommend that eventually, you join Amazing Selling Machine, even after joining MPSH, as ASM is extremely valuable with their events, community, and mentorship.